While Senator Hillary Clinton tops every national poll of likely 2008 Democratic presidential contenders, the New York Senator is dogged by questions of "electability", political code for whether she can win enough swing states to prevail in a general election. Ver más.
Foto 4 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
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Foto 8 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
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Foto 10 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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The Beaufort powered by a "SkySail" sails the Baltic Sea in this September 2006 handout photo. The "SkySail", a 160 square-meter kite tethered to a mast, has passed through four years of trial runs with flying colors, and Bremen shipper Beluga believes its vessels can catch enough ocean wind to cut fuel use by an average of 20 percent. Ver más.
Foto 12 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
510158/The-"SkySail" " /> Ver más.
Foto 16 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
510162/Chavez-wins-a-landslide-re-election " /> Ver más.
Foto 17 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
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India´s top missile scientist Vijay Kumar Saraswat poses for photographs with a model of "Prithvi" missile before addressing the media in Hyderabad, India. India´s newly tested missile interception sustem will likely be turned into a weapon and deployed within four years, and India is working toward testing a newer and faster missile., Saraswat said late yesterday. Ver más.
Foto 23 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
510169/India´s-"Prithvi"-missile " /> Ver más.
Foto 27 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
510173/Sissy-Spacek-celebrates-strong-independent-women " /> Ver más.
Foto 39 de 39    |   04/12/2006   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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