Mayor of Aisén accuses government of unfulfilled promises one year after the earthquake

Óscar Catalán remains hopeful that authorities will fulfill the "incredible offers that were made to assuage their consciences".

22 de Abril de 2008 | 14:15 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- Maintaining that there have been “good intentions, but very little concern” on the part of authorities regarding the situation in Aisén one year after the violent earthquake and subsequent tsunami that affected the area, Mayor Óscar Catalán (UDI) has relayed a disheartening account of the promises made by the government following the disaster which “for the most part”, he assures, have not been fulfilled. 

“Government officials are quick to react at the moment, but then they just bandage the problems, they have no long-term vision”, stated Catalán.

The mayor is emphatic about stating that many of the main projects promised to the area after the disaster are still in research stages “which is really a metaphor the public administration uses for tasks that have not been completed”.

Catalán acknowledges that there are “small things” that have indeed been done, such as home repairs and aid for fishermen in the area, “but everything else, the most crucial, the most important initiatives, are still in design stages”. 


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