Students begin national strike to protest General Education Law

This morning, students will march from Plaza Italia towards La Moneda in a demonstration that has not been authorized by the Metropolitan City Government.

25 de Junio de 2008 | 13:38 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- A national strike among municipalized schools has begun today after being organized by students in protest against the General Education Law (LGE), which is currently being processed at the Senate.

Several “symbolic” schools were taken over by students this morning within the capital city, including the Instituto Nacional, José Victorino Lastarria and Girl’s Liceo 7 educational institutions.

The demonstration is being supported by the Teachers´ Association, which plans to present a bill next week proposing educational improvements.

The students will also march through downtown Santiago this morning as part of a protest demonstration that has not been approved by the Metropolitan City Government.

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