A long coated male chihuahua named "Heart-kun" puppy has become Japan´s latest heart-throb after he was born with a heart shaped mark on his coat. The dog was born May 18th at a pet store in northern Odate. Shop owner Emiko Sakurada, who has bred over 1,000 puppies, believes his unusual markings have brought her luck. Ver más.
Foto 31 de 56    |   16/07/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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Baby elephant "Tika" enjoys sunny weather today at the zoo in Wuppertal, Germany. The little elephant was born on July 13th., and is the new star of the zoo. Ver más.
Foto 36 de 56    |   16/07/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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