Traffick snakes past Faneuil Hall today in Boston. The Big Dig project in Boston replaced the central highway with an underground system that was 15 years in the making and cost $14.6 billion. Ver más.
Foto 15 de 50 | 04/10/2007 | Crédito : NYT
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Architect Fritz Haeg in KLakewood, Calif., aims to replace lawns with productive gardens. "Edible Estates", the experimental project aims to replace lawns around the country with native plants, from prairie grasses in suburban Chicago to casctus gardens in Tucson. Ver más.
Foto 19 de 50 | 04/10/2007 | Crédito : NYT
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Foto 27 de 50 | 04/10/2007 | Crédito : NYT
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Janet Leigh´s shower scene in "Psycho" gets slow-motion treatment at MoMA in New York. Ver más.
Foto 29 de 50 | 04/10/2007 | Crédito : NYT
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Foto 45 de 50 | 04/10/2007 | Crédito : AP
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"Slut" lip balm, a cosmetic that unblushingly suggests fooling around. The word "slut", which originated in the Middle Ages, has emerged from a schoolyard barb to become commonplace in popular culture, marketing and casual conversation. Novelty shops and Web sites sell Slut lip balm, bubble bath, soap and lotion. Like "queer" and "pimp" before it, the word slut seems to be moving away from its meaning as a slur. Or is it? Ver más.