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Foto 20 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : AP
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This NASA composite image received today shows the galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56, also known as the "bullet cluster". A huge collision between two clusters of galaxies has provided the first evidence of the existence of the universe´s mysterious dark matter, researchers said today. "This is the most energetic cosmic event, besides the Big Bang, which we know about", said Maxim Markevitch of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Ver más.
Foto 23 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : AFP
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Foto 27 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : AP
506302/Ireland-/-Michael-Bloomberg " /> Ver más.
Foto 32 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : AFP
506307/Greece-/-fire " /> Ver más.
Foto 33 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : Reuters
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Foto 34 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : Reuters
506309/Michael-Douglas " /> Ver más.
Foto 36 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : AFP
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Foto 41 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : AFP
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A replica of the Cenozoic Era skeleton of a Carodnia vieirai, similar to a large anteater is presented during a news conference by researchers from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Researchers presented the replica as the most complete skeleton ever found of a Cenozoic mammal in South America, modeled from what they estimate to be 50% of the animal´s real fossilized bones discovered on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro a few years ago. Ver más.
Foto 42 de 43    |   22/08/2006   |   Crédito : Reuters
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