Residents and visitors set lanterns afloat during the Japanese ceremony "Toro Nagashi" in Honolulu, Hawaii. The Buddhist ritual honors victims of war, famine and other natural disasters. Ver más.
Foto 7 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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At least 16 Nepali villagers died in a remote mountainous district in a massive snowstorm while collecting a valuable health plant known as "Himalayan Viagra". Yarshagumba is only found in the meadows above 3,500m (11,500 feet) and forms when a parasitic fungus lodges itself in caterpillars and slowly kills them. Yarshagumba has been highly valued as a health tonic and aphrodisiac in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and can fetch up to US$3,000 a kg, a small fortune in Nepal. Ver más.
Foto 17 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
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In the photo "Manoi PF01" a 40cm tall humanoid robot made by Kyosho is seen in Tokyo. The Manoi can attach various kinds of sensors, including touch, human range voice and acceleration sensors on its head and body. It will go on sale on June 30th with a price tag of 199,500 yen or US$1,660. Ver más.
Foto 21 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
516745/"Manoi-PF01" " /> Ver más.
Foto 28 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
516752/Painted-trains " /> Ver más.
Foto 29 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
516753/Eric-Bana " /> Ver más.
Foto 33 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
516757/Bhuttanese-refuggee-repatriation-march " /> Ver más.
Foto 49 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / edición: C. Edwards
516773/Michelle-Bachelet " /> Ver más.
Foto 52 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
516776/Adolf-Eichmann´s-passport " /> Ver más.
Foto 53 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
516777/San-Isidro´s-Bullfighting-Fair " /> Ver más.
Foto 54 de 56    |   30/05/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
516778/Demonstration-in-Venezuela " />