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Foto 4 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
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Image shows the book jacket cover of "I Did It", O.J. Simpson´s ghost-written, hypothetical story of how he would have murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. A week and a half after saying it would not stock copies of the book in its stores, citing lack of customer demand, Barnes & Noble, Inc. announced that it would indeed carry the book. Ver más.
Foto 5 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
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Tang Fuxiang, a folk artist, makes a dough figurine of a Fuwa, the official mascot of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, at an exhibition hall in Shenyang, northeast China´s Liaoning province. Ver más.
Foto 9 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
520299/"Fuwa" " /> Ver más.
Foto 16 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
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Photo shows the cover for "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy". An upcoming book that challenges whether diplomatic and military support for Israel is in the United States´ best interests is set to spark fresh debate on Washington´s role in the Middle East. The book, written by two of the US´s most influential political science professors, is set to hit the bookshelves on September 4, 2007. Ver más.
Foto 17 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
520307/"The-Israel-Lobby-and-US-Foreign-Policy" " /> Ver más.
Foto 19 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
520309/Baby-Tapir " /> Ver más.
Foto 40 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
520330/Tilda-Swinton " /> Ver más.
Foto 42 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
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A member of Britain´s Royal Philarmonic Orchestra plays at a dump in east London in this undated handout photograph released today. The orchestra plays on instruments made from junk items to promote an upcoming television show "Dumped". Ver más.
Foto 49 de 50    |   01/09/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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