Eduardo Arrocha, whose stage name is "Eak the Geek" poses in New York in this April 2, 2006 file photo. The tattoo-covered Coney Island side show performer who specializes in eating nails says he´s found a new calling, becoming a lawyer. Arrocha starts classes on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2007, at Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, Michigan. Ver más.
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Jibachi Senbei, or a digger wasp rice cracker, is held at a factory today in the town of Omachi, 200km (124 miles) northwest of Tokyo. A Japanese fan club for wasps has added the insects to rice crackers, saying the results adds a waspish scent to the traditional fare.  Ver más.
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Germany is quietly remembering today the 30th anniversary of the start of the 44 day terror campaign by the left-wing Red Army Faction, an ordeal that began with the kidnapping of top industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer and ended in bloody defeat for the terror group, whose leaders killed themselves in prison. The so-called "German Autumn",a test of will for Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, who recently admitted he still felt personal guilt toward the family of murdered hostage Hanns-Martin Schleyer. Ver más.
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A two-headed Greek turtle named Janus eats some salad leaves at the Natural History Museum today in Geneva. Janus, named after the Roman God with two heads, officially celebrates his 10th birthday today. Ver más.
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520575/"Janus",-the-two-headed-Greek-turtle " /> Ver más.
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The Royal Air Force´s Red Arrows perform during the "Sky for All" air show today near the village of Krumovo, Bulgaria, east of the capital Sofia. Arrows team are in Bulgaria to take part in three days of air-displays. Ver más.
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520588/2007-Aga-Khan-Award-for-Architecture " /> Ver más.
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