Thousands of pilgrims from across the Americas descend on the village of El Espinazo in northern Mexico each October during celebrations for El Niño Fidencio and visit his tomb. El Niño Fidencio was an eerie man-child figure famed for his playful cures and folk wisdom dispensed in a shrill contralto during the 1920s and 1930s. Pilgrims say that Fidencio used to heal with mud from a puddle in the northern Mexican town. Ver más.
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Image shows instruments used by Tibetan Buddhist monks to create "The Compassionate Sand Mandala for World Peace" this past week at the National Cathedral in Washington. The monks are from the Dalai Lama´s personal Namgyal Monastery, and created the sacred mandala to coincide with the Dala Lama´s visit to Washington. The mandala represents a Buddha´s devine place of residence and is a symbol of the Buddhist concept of the impermanence of things and the importance of non-attachment. Ver más.
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The cover of the first issue of "Umbrella Academy", a comic written by Gerard Way, lead singer of My Chemical Romance, and published by Dark Horse. The 6 issue mini-series, about the adulthood reunion of seven special children who were reared to save the world, is the latest example of comics by a new wave of talent: musicians and their brethren. Ver más.
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522842/"Umbrella-Academy" " /> Ver más.
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522843/Stabilising-sand-dunes-in-China " /> Ver más.
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Set atop a Humvee, The Boomerang from BBN Technologies, tracks gunfire in Iraq, using an array of microphones and has been through several improved versions. Ver más.
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522855/"The-Boomerang" " /> Ver más.
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A participant looks at a screen with a thermal image of Chancellor Angela Merkel, leader of Germany´s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), during "Germany Day" at the annual meeting of the party youth organisation Young Union (Junge Union), today in Berlin. Picture seen was taken at an energy company stand by a thermal camera. Red and yellow shows warm areas, blue cold ones. Ver más.
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522862/"Germany-Day" " /> Ver más.
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522866/Durga-Puja-Festival " /> Ver más.
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A water-Lily floats in the pond at the "Kiku: The Art of the Japanese Chrysanthemum" show at the New York Botanical Garden. Ver más.
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522872/"Kiku:-The-Art-of-the-Japanese-Chrysanthemum" " /> Ver más.
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