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Foto 1 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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When windmill repairman Martin Teucher drives to work before dawn, it's the thumping bass in his Trabant's backseat that keeps him awake, not coffee. Fifty years after the first Trabant rolled off the assembly line on November 7, 1957, the boxy vehicle has become the focus of a cheap-chic hot rod culture. Ver más.
Foto 39 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
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Foto 42 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
523856/Steve-Irwin-postage-stamp " /> Ver más.
Foto 43 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / edición: C. Edwards
523857/Josh-Brolin " /> Ver más.
Foto 45 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
523859/Amy-Adams " /> Ver más.
Foto 46 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
523860/Casey-Affleck " /> Ver más.
Foto 49 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
523863/Matsushita's-latest-mobile-handset " /> Ver más.
Foto 64 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : Reuters / Edición: C. Edwards
523878/Sharon-Osbourne " />
Photo shows Salvatore Lo Piccolo shortly after his arrest today in Sicily, southern Italy. Police raided a suspected Mafia hideout today in Sicily, arresting the man authorities believe was poised to become the Cosa Nostra crime syndicate's "Boss of Bosses". Salvatore Lo Piccolo, convicted of murder and on the run since 1998, was detained in a morning raid near Sicily's capital of Palermo, police said.  Ver más.
Foto 66 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : AP / Edición: C. Edwards
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English F1 racing driver Lewis Hamilton is blocked by fans asking for autographs as he arrives for a photocall, today in central London, to launch his new book "Lewis Hamilton My Story". Hamilton had a sensational debut season, winning four races and finishing on the podium eight times. Virtually unknown outside the world of motor-racing less than a year ago, the book gives a detailed account of every race of the 2007 season. Ver más.
Foto 68 de 69    |   07/11/2007   |   Crédito : AFP / Edición: C. Edwards
523882/"Lewis-Hamilton-My-Story" " />