DC Deputies investigate price fixing in other markets

According to the deputies, there are other cases similar to the pharmaceutical scandal. They claim there is an urgent need for discussion about the current state of free competition.

30 de Marzo de 2009 | 14:47 | El Mercurio Online

SANTIAGO.- Isapres (private health insurance companies), as well as fertilizer and grape companies, amongst others, are currently under investigation by the Christian Democracy board of deputies, who have collected an array of evidence regarding possible price fixing agreement cases similar to that revealed within the pharmaceutical market.

According to the board, in some cases evidence collected has even been turned over to the Fiscalía Nacional Económica.

The issue has prompted the deputies to request a special session be held tomorrow to hold an in-depth discussion concerning current free competition conditions in the nation.

The leaders of the board, Deputy Eduardo Saffirio and Deputy Gonzalo Duarte, have asserted that "this scandal with the pharmacies is only the tip of the iceberg, we are convinced that there are other associations that are undermining the freedom that should exist within a transparent market, affecting millions of consumers".

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