Vast majority of Chileans support Whale Sanctuary

An Adimark poll has revealed that the initiative is backed by 97% of people.

10 de Abril de 2008 | 16:59 | El Mercurio Online

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SANTIAGO. -  A poll taken by the Adimark consulting firm has revealed that 97% of Chileans support the creation of a Whale Sanctuary along the country’s coasts and a considerable majority believes that President Michelle Bachelet should pursue the project.

The survey also indicated that 99% of Chileans believe it is critical that laws are passed to protect the whales and to permanently outlaw whale hunting in all national sea territories.

Meanwhile, 82% of those polled believed that the creation of a Whale Sanctuary would be an environmental legacy for the President.

“Never in the history of Adimark had we registered such a high level of consensus on any matter, reaching across all age and socioeconomic groups”, announced the president of Admiark-Gfk, Roberto Méndez.

According to Barbara Galletti, president of the Cetacean Conservation Center, these results “show the unyielding support of citizens for our Whale Sanctuary proposal”. “We can honestly say that we represent the will of the people on this matter”, she stated.