SANTIAGO.- Amid the intense controversy currently affecting the Concertación stemming from a decision to use two different town council ballots, President Michelle Bachelet has called on former Presidents Patrico Aylwin, Eduardo Frei and Ricardo Lagos to meet with her at noon today.
The meeting was announced just a short time ago by the President; however details concerning the topics to be addressed have not been released. Nevertheless, all indications are that the gathering will serve as an opportunity for the President to express to the former national leaders the need to build unity within the Concertación.
At the same time as the “conclave” of government leaders, a simultaneous meeting will be held at La Moneda between the political ministers, with representatives from the DC, PS, PPD and PRSD.
The directors of the PPD and PRSD gathered last night at the home of Senator Guido Girardi to put the finishing touches on the defense of their stance in front of the political committee today.