Ecuador “is neither for, nor against” Peru’s lawsuit against Chile

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has said that the dispute is an issue between two countries that are friendly and brotherly to his country.

07 de Febrero de 2008 | 14:32 | AFP

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LIMA. -  Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa made an announcement this Thursday, stating that Ecuador is neither for nor against the lawsuit regarding maritime borders that is being brought by Peru against Chile at The Hague International Justice Court.

“We are neither for nor against the legal lawsuit.  We greatly respect the sovereign decision made by Peru, it is an issue between two countries which are friendly and brotherly to Ecuador”, said the President while on the Peruvian radio station, RPP.

“We hope this (the Peruvian lawsuit) does not affect the brotherly relationship that two Latin American countries such as Peru and Chile should have with each other”, President Correa added from Quito.

President Correa stressed that fact that the lawsuit filed by Peru “does not affect us in any way, because it has been clearly determined that there are no land or maritime boundary disputes between Ecuador and Peru”.

The Peruvian government, led by Alan García, has filed a lawsuit looking to claim 66,000 square kilometers of a total 95,000 square kilometers being disputed with Chile in the Pacific Ocean.

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